Ninety percent of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) patients with Autism show improvement in one or more area. Improvements have been seen in GI symptoms, aggressive behaviors, eye contact, social interaction and even speech. Before Trinity, a certified Umbilical cord-derived Wharton’s jelly stem cell treatment was only available to those with the means to pay $20,000 per treatment. My family and I, having experienced the healing effects of these cells first hand, decided to form a philanthropic group to offset that cost for families in need.
About Us
In 2016 my son with autism, Matthew, was battling a year-long medical condition that necessitated frequent hospitalizations. After hearing about the success of umbilical Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in treating a variety of health conditions, including autism, I decided to try them. Within a few days of receiving his first infusion, his medical crisis was resolved.

I also noticed significant improvements in his autism over the next few months. Matthew advanced from comprehending a few words to comprehending every word in nearly every language. Before stem cells, Matthew's self-injurious behavior was so severe that I feared for his life. He would uncontrollably hit his head as hard as he could. Matthew has not self-harmed in three years as a result of his stem cell treatment. Stem cells undeniably saved his life.
Intravenous treatment with mesenchymal stem cells isolated from umbilical cord tissue carries little to no risk. Since our treatment, we've met a number of families with similar success stories in the autism community.
In the United States, this type of stem cell treatment has not yet been approved. International travel is necessary, which is a frightening prospect for anyone, but especially for someone with autism. Many individuals on the spectrum are unable to fly well, or at all. We strategically chose the locations for Trinity clinics for the reason of making them accessible by car from anywhere in the United States.
Stem cell therapy has grown in popularity over the last few years. With prices ranging between $15,000 and $20,000 per treatment, most families cannot afford it. I felt personally compelled to assist, which I am doing through my affiliation with Trinity Stem Cell Treatment Center. Trinity was founded with the mission of making the best stem cell treatment not only accessible by car from anywhere in the U.S., but also affordable, in order to treat more people with autism.
My family and I are subsidizing fifty percent (50%) of the normal treatment costs, for all autism treatments provided by Trinity Stem Cell treatment centers in Mexico during the year 2021. In appreciation for our philanthropic efforts, Trinity Stem Cells has further agreed that for every four (4) paid Autism Stem Cell therapy treatments performed at Trinity Treatment Centers in Mexico, during the year 2021; Trinity Stem Cells will donate one (1) Autism Stem Cell Therapy treatment to a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at our treatment centers in Mexico for free.
To inquire about stem cell treatment options, and our philanthropic efforts offsetting the cost for individuals on the spectrum, visit Trinity Stem Cell Treatment Center.